Sunday, March 25, 2018

Upload IOU, IOL, ciscokeygen, qemu images in eve-ng without winscp, filezilla

There is an article about how to add IOU/IOL images in eve-ng with help of firezilla or winsftp. I am running a debian version and i thought lets use something inbuilt

I got to know scp tool is by default installed in debian versions, so i thought why not just use it.

keep all your files in a folder  and navigate to that folder in terminal.

scp * root@

* denotes all files to be copied from your present working directory
root@ is to connect to eve server
:. is to past the files in default home directory

from eve-ng CLI, you can move the files to your desired destionation.

Happy Lab Practice :)

eve-ng how to open telnet:// capture:// docker:// rdp://

There is an article on how to setup your operating system to open telnet:// capture:// docker:// rdp:// from eve-ng.


You are asked to enter eve-ng root password and then it gives below error
"couldn't run /usr/bin/dumpcap in child process: Permission Denied"

For me, it is fixed by below lines.

sudo apt-get install libcap2-bin wireshark
sudo chgrp <myusername> /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo chmod 750 /usr/bin/dumpcap
sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin+eip /usr/bin/dumpcap